
VAT Return Generator

Recapitulative Statement

VAT Number Checker

generate.TAX is a tax suite that seamlessly connects to your accounting software and helps accountants and finance teams with statutory tax compliance/obligations.

VAT Return Generator

Easily create your VAT return with data from your cloud accounting system.

Key Features

Data Integration & Calculation

Customizable Reporting Parameters

Automatic Forms

Recapitulative Statement

Offers solutions related to the filing of recapitulative statements for businesses engaged in cross-border transactions within the EU.

Key Features

Automated Data Collection

Compliance Updates

Statement Generation

Reporting & Audit Trails

Facilitates the electronic submission of recapitulative statements directly to tax authority portals or systems.

Collects the relevant transactional data from the accounting software.

Creates the Recapitulative Statements in the required format as specified by EU VAT regulations.

Recapitulative Statements can be tailored based on specific business needs or reporting preferences.

The platform provides automatic updates regarding changes in EU VAT regulations impacting Recapitulative Statements.

Provides reporting capabilities related to recapitulative Statements, offering detailed summaries, breakdowns by EU member states, and audit trails.

VAT Number Checker

A powerful solution for ensuring the accuracy and validity of customer and supplier VAT numbers stored within your accounting software.

Key Features

Real-time Validation

Software Integration


For Businesses

For Accountants

Accountants in business want to be compliant with local tax authorities and generate.TAX will help with the generation of tax returns with transactions from your Xero accounting software.

Accounting practices need to efficiently generate VAT returns across all their clients, get these approved and submit with authorities within the due dates. Learn how generate.TAX can help streamline this process.

Try it for free

Unlock all generate.TAX features for 30 days to help you with the generation of VAT returns

  • N Connects to Xero
  • N Safe and secure
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